Monday, December 21, 2015

20x30 drawing draft

It is a 20x30 drawing. These are my drafts. I use Van Gogh's selfie style to draw a farmer.


All these photos are the process of doing this drawing. First, I make a shape of the cloth and try to make it look complicated. And also I have other four clothes, but I pick this one, because I feel this one is more interesting. So I picked this one. And I start to draw a small sample on the paper. And when it fit, I draw a large one on the paper. I use the charcoal to draw the shape and "shadow". I also use many tool to draw it to make it better.

Monday, November 23, 2015


In this picture,I like the background, it is wall with some ghosts. With the light, it looks like the wall is through the ghosts. And there are two kinds of  "Z" on the surface of the glasses. And "z" as a patten, there are many "z"s on the hair and I really like the emoji of the face. Actually, there is a very simple story. There is a beat of light shinning me from the bottom. And it is special light, it illuminate the wall and can there are some ghosts around you and thy protect me.
I feel that even there is only black and white about this background. It looks simple, but it is creative. And  black and white have a big contrast. And the the background matched the selfie. And it looks like the thunder.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


In the drawing, the most special thing compared to other drawing is no lines. I feel it looks like real eggs. In this drawing, the black and white has a strong contrast.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Black and white potrait

I use charcoal to draw myself. In this drawing, there is only black and white. Most shadow part, I use black to show, also these shape show my face's structure. And about the background, it's half black and half white.